Right from childhood, I always aspired to be a business woman. Whenever I went shopping, I crushed on business formals and envisioned how I would wear them to my Business meetings. As the years passed, my definition of success evolved to ‘Growing the Family Business’.
Right after my MBA, I very enthusiastically joined my father’s business with intentions to make it my career for the long term. But little did I know it clashed with my parents’ plans for me - Marriage! Unwilling to give up on my dream, I did the next best thing I knew, I started to work at my in-law’s business. And since this is THE THING I grew up wanting, I gave it my all - I ate, breathed, and slept thinking about work. Over the years I learnt a lot about Business strategies, managing stress and the importance of being a team player. I really earned my position at work and established myself as an important member in the company.

But here is the catch - It felt incomplete from inside. It felt like I was running someone else’s race. I felt burnt out. I never understood how that’s possible because I really loved my role and like I said earlier, it was the ONE thing I grew up wanting!

- Just for you!